Disorders & Suicide CoursesCourse Summary PricingDrug & Alcohol Awareness£ 395 + VAT3 hoursOn site at your workplace up to 6 delegatesMORE DETAILSDrug & Alcohol Awareness£ 445 + VAT3 hoursOn site at your workplace up to 12 delegatesMORE DETAILSSubstance Misuse £ 395 + VAT3 hoursOn site at your workplace up to 6 delegates MORE DETAILSSubstance Misuse £ 445 + VAT3 hoursOn site at your workplace up to 12 delegates MORE DETAILSLigature Awareness£ 395 + VAT3 hoursOn site at your workplace up to 6 delegatesMORE DETAILSLigature Awareness£ 445 + VAT3 hoursOn site at your workplace up to 12 delegatesMORE DETAILSEating Disorders £ 395 + VAT3 hoursOn site at your workplace up to 6 delegatesMORE DETAILSEating Disorders£ 445 + VAT3 hoursOn site at your workplace up to 12 delegates MORE DETAILSHappiness lies, first of all, in health.